Anti Spam Policy
At CleverlyBox, we're committed to providing top-notch email marketing services while maintaining the highest standards of ethical practices. This Anti-Spam Policy outlines our zero-tolerance approach to spam and sets clear guidelines for all users of our platform.
1. Definition of Spam
We define spam as unsolicited, bulk email sent without the recipient's consent. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Emails sent to harvested email addresses
- Emails with misleading subject lines
- Emails that don't include a valid unsubscribe mechanism
- Emails sent to recipients who have previously opted out
- User Responsibilities
2. As a CleverlyBox user, you agree to:
- a) Obtain explicit permission from recipients before adding them to your mailing list
- b) Include your valid physical address in every email
- c) Provide a clear, easy-to-use unsubscribe option in each email
- d) Honor unsubscribe requests promptly (within 10 business days)
- e) Maintain clean, up-to-date mailing lists
- f) Use truthful and non-deceptive subject lines
- g) Identify the email as an advertisement when applicable
3. Prohibited Practices
The following practices are strictly forbidden:
- a) Buying or renting email lists
- b) Using email harvesting tools
- c) Sending emails with false or misleading header information
- d) Using deceptive subject lines
- e) Sending emails without a valid unsubscribe mechanism
- f) Continuing to send emails to recipients who have unsubscribed
4. Monitoring and Enforcement
We actively monitor user activity for compliance with this policy. We reserve the right to:
- a) Request proof of opt-in for any mailing list
- b) Suspend or terminate accounts that violate this policy
- c) Report persistent violators to relevant authorities
5. Consequences of Violation
Violations of this policy may result in:
- a) Immediate suspension of your account
- b) Termination of your CleverlyBox account
- c) Legal action, if necessary
6. Reporting Spam
If you believe a CleverlyBox user is sending spam, please report it to [email protected]. Include the full email headers and content of the suspected spam message.
7. Best Practices
To ensure the best deliverability and maintain a positive sender reputation, we recommend:
- a) Using double opt-in for new subscribers
- b) Regularly cleaning your mailing lists
- c) Sending relevant, valuable content to your subscribers
- d) Avoiding excessive use of "spammy" words in subject lines and content
- e) Testing your emails before sending to your full list
8. Compliance with Laws
Users must comply with all applicable anti-spam laws, including but not limited to CAN-SPAM (USA), CASL (Canada), and GDPR (EU).
9. Changes to This Policy
We may update this Anti-Spam Policy from time to time. Continued use of CleverlyBox after any changes indicates your acceptance of the updated policy.
10. Contact Us
If you have questions about this Anti-Spam Policy or need to report a violation, please contact us at:
Email: [email protected]
By using CleverlyBox, you agree to abide by this Anti-Spam Policy. Failure to comply may result in immediate termination of your account and potential legal consequences.
Effective Date: 18th July 2024